Free on-demand Online Seminar: "ClampArt®: Next Generation Glucose Clamps"

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What to expert in short

This online seminar discusses the use of glucose clamps in diabetes drug and device development. This sophisticated method has been mastered only by a few institutions around the world. Dr. Tim Heise is one of the few experts in this method. Using glucose clamps is an indispensable step in launching novel diabetes medications to the market as it provides unrivalled data quality. 

Watch this educational online seminar now and benefit from Dr. Tim Heise's years of experience by learning learn about:

  • A review of glucose clamp methods
  • Why automated glucose clamps should be used in every developmental project
  • How Profil has been able to innovate the established method and launched the proprietary ClampArt device


Detailed Online Webinar Synopsis

Dr. Tim Heise is an extremely experienced and well known expert in the area of glucose clamping. In this online seminar he shares his experience of glucose clamping with the audience. He starts by introducing the glucose clamp technique in general. After a short historic review of how glucose clamps came about and the underlying concept, he explains how glucose clamps are carried out in human clinical trials and outlines the general difference between manual glucose clamps and automated glucose clamps. He discusses the advantages and possible disadvantages of both methods. This overview is a great start to a sound understanding of the technique and its common applications. Where applicable, Dr. Heise mentions regulatory issues. 
After this general introduction, Dr Heise discusses various issues of concern such as reproducibility of glucose clamping and shows that very reproducible results can be obtained using this technique. One issue here is the accuracy of glucose measurements. Generally, in order to obtain good glucose readings - no matter which method is used - it is important to use exactly the correct amount of blood. Dr. Heise illustrates the effect of slight deviations from target amounts and how this can affect readings both in manual measurements as well as traditional automated clamp devices. He uses this to introduce the novel glucose clamp device ClampArt®, invented by Profil. This device can account for blood flow differences as it has a sensor for blood flow normalisation. Dr. Heise explains the further advantages of the ClampArt device and highlights how through many years of development Profil has been able to create this device and obtain CE-IVD registration.
Dr. Heise continues by explaining important parameters in glucose clamp experiments and best practice glucose clamp study design. All information is backed by data and explained very concisely. An important point that Dr. Heise stresses is the importance of general glucose clamp quality parameters as discussed in a recent publication by Profil. At the end a number of interesting questions from the audience are answered. 

This online seminar is certainly a very useful resource for anyone involved in diabetes research planning to conduct clinical trials using the glucose clamp technique or wanting to just learn more about this exciting method. 

If you want to learn more about the results and outcomes of a glucose clamp study, you can also watch the free online seminar: "Understanding the results of glucose clamp studies".

Meet the presenter

Clinical_Development_MitarbeiterDr. Tim Heise has more than 20 years of experience in both clinical research and clinical care in diabetes and obesity. He has published well over 120 scientific papers and reviews with a focus on diabetes treatment. Dr Heise is a member of the Editorial Board for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism and he takes a strong interest in evidence-based medicine.





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